The day will begin at 9:30am Friday morning at Trinity United Church Hall with a special Build-A-Uke day. You'll build a cigar box ukulele and decorate it to your taste with other campers in a fun art studio collaboration.
The uke kits come ready to assemble and can generally be completed in an afternoon. Each kit contains: the cigar box, the neck, fingerboard, tuners, the bridge, and the strings.
We'll have things wrapped up in time for the rest of the campers to join us for registration and welcome activities at 4:30pm.
Check YES on the main REGISTRATION FORM to take part in this workshop.

Everything needed to complete a playable cigar box uke*
Art Supplies and tools to build and decorate your uke
Coffee and Snacks throughout the day
Catered Lunch
The JOY of assembling an instrument with your hands and then creating music with it.
*box designs may vary and are first come first served.